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Why would my Practice Refer Patients to the Educational Resource Group?

That’s a great question and one we know is on the mind of many of the medical professionals who work with us. Here are the top reasons to refer:

We offer low-cost assessments that give parents and pediatricians the answers they need!

Many private psychologists or educational diagnosticians charge four times or more for their evaluations than our center. Our main goal is to provide educational intervention; therefore, our assessments are used as a data collection tool to get to the bottom of why a client struggles. We use nationally renowned assessment measures include the Woodcock-Johnson III Educational and Cognitive Batteries, the Brief Inventory of Executive Functioning, and the Connor’s Rating Scales to help identify learning disabilities, executive dysfunction, attention disorders, and cognitive delays. This information can help you to make better diagnostic and treatment decisions.

We provide parents with an educational advocate who becomes a member of the IEP team who is in their corner!

Parents who may ask the school for help are often unfamiliar with the laws that govern eligibility for services. We help by reviewing IEPs or 504 plans and if requested, will attend school meetings to ensure that the services that should be provided ARE being provided.

We take a holistic approach to treating the child!

Some parents may be reluctant to try medication, or may want other options. We know that medication is often needed to help manage attentional issues, but it can’t address co-morbid reading problems or processing deficits. We know that emotional problems such as anxiety and depression often go hand in hand with learning struggles. Through our consultation process, we individualize their intervention plan and refer to counselors, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists and others as the needs are identified.

We have a plan that can work with almost every client’s Budget.

Tough economic times mean that we become more cognizant of how and why we spend our money. However, when a child is struggling, the loss of a year without help can be devastating. We know that not every client can afford our most intense interventions, but we have flexible options for parents – be it consultation to ensure their child’s needs are being met by the school or more intense 1:1 services, we design a program that can help meet the client’s goals and address the child’s needs while working within the parents’ budget. We even offer payment plans and can refer them to organizations that provide economic aide for support services such as ours. For every client you refer, we offer a free initial consultation. This will be an hour when they sit down to discuss their child’s needs, their family’s concerns, and begin to develop a plan of action. In and of itself, this is a value that can help parents make more informed decisions and be better advocates for their child’s educational future.

So, knowing this, the question becomes – “Why Wouldn’t I refer my patients to the Educational Resource Group?” Together, one step at a time, we know we can make a difference and change lives. We’re so glad to have you as part of that!

Make a Referral

All new clients receive a free consultation with a physician’s referral