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A voice from the other side by Hope Stone

A voice from the other side by Hope Stone

I was a public school teacher for five years. I will always consider myself a teacher. The drive and empathy that many teachers have when starting out what will continue to ensure that I feel in my heart that I am a teacher.

~ Only, I no longer have four walls, a chalkboard and 30 some students. ~

Some days that hurts, other days I remember that I took a stand for my own personal goals and that meant that I needed to step out of the classroom environment. What I can tell you is that I continue to learn daily at ERG how to help children succeed, a feeling that I begin to feel slip away from me in the public school system.


I applaud each and every one of you for taking the steps necessary to ensure your/ your child’s success. It is never too late to start on the path for better planning, reading retention, memory processing. Even better, it’s never too early to start! A question that I want to pose to you today, what can you do to better help connect the programs at ERG, to home, to school and then back to ERG? I know from experience that teachers are impacted by their jobs constantly; way after the school bell rings and even after school is out for the summer. Last summer I even found myself drawing out classroom seating arrangements in the middle of July! I loved to celebrate my students’ accomplishments when I could notice them. Positive reinforcement really does work! On the flip side, there were days when I would be at a complete loss as to what would help a particular child. I didn’t know back then that there was a place like ERG to send them to. If you haven’t told your teacher about the program that your child is completing at ERG, do it! While you are at it, ask if there is anything else you can do to assist. You might find that the teacher could use some of the knowledge from ERG to help in the classroom even more. They may just appreciate a parent that is willing to appreciate what they do rather than criticize. When I was a kid, my dad and I would watch the 5pm news, dinner at 6 and we would talk as a family. This has become a lost art having busier schedules than ever but find some time to discuss how they feel about the programs at ERG and if they feel the same way in the classroom. You may be surprised! Do not underestimate the importance of one day, one month or one year in a child’s education. Every day is important and they are constantly observing and learning and we want to make sure that they are learning in the best way possible!

Here is an additional article with some practical advice if you are not sure why or how to have frequent conversations with your children!