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Sophie’s Farewell

Sophie’s Farewell

As August comes to an end so does my time at the Educational Resource Group. As some of you know my husband is in the Navy and he has received orders to Hawaii. I have lived in Annapolis for almost three years and worked in other places, but the ERG felt most like home.
I felt at home each day I went to work and it saddens me to be leaving. I really do wish I had found the ERG sooner. I have loved working with the students and helping them progress in their cognitive training. I love coming into the office and having fun with the other coaches. I will miss all of you all.
On a happier note I would like to share some of my favorite places to visit and things to do.

1. Washington DC –I always enjoyed jumping on the metro at New Carrollton station and taking the twenty minute ride into the city. It is filled with amazing history and I was able to embrace my inner photographer. I would go and walk and shoot all day.
2. Hersey Park –I know this isn’t in Maryland, but I went there recently and rode a roller-coaster for the first time! I have to say it was amazingly terrifying and I would do it again…. Well some of the rides anyway. I enjoyed my time at the park, but I still don’t love Hersey chocolate as much as Cadbury (made in the town I grew up in, so it is a biased opinion).
3. Bowie Baysox Stadium –When I went here this was also full of firsts….. My first fun filled day out with the other trainers from the ERG, my first baseball game and I ate my first hotdog! Dr. Perez, Manny, Amy and the other trainers kept me laughing all afternoon, the game was pretty good, but the first hotdog was also my last.
4. Downtown Annapolis –I am a very proud Navy wife and having the chance to live in Maryland was amazing. However, living so close to the history of America and the Navy was something else. I never missed a chance of a stroll in Downtown Annapolis. I did all the tourist things; went on the different boats, toured the Naval Academy, ate crabs and took hundreds of pictures. My favorite place to eat downtown had to be Buddy’s Crabs and Ribs…… I couldn’t get enough of the crab soup and ribs they had to offer. Every time I went in I received great service and enjoyed wonderful food.
It is an understatement to say I enjoyed my time in Maryland. I can’t even put into words how much fun I had while living here. It is easy to live somewhere and forget what is around and what great things the state has to offer. Go out and enjoy some of my favorite places. Don’t take Maryland for granted and relish every minute.
I travelled a lot before I met my husband and I love all the adventures anyone can have in different places. I am looking forward to the next adventure in my life. Maryland will always be the first state I ever lived and I will never forget the great times I had here.
I will also never forget my ERG family. I will be sending them updates and pictures of me spreading the word of the Educational Resource Group wherever I go! Let’s take the ERG Global!
“Oh, the places you will go!”